May 21 1863 Murfreesboro

Murfreesboro May 21st 63
Dear Uncle
I thought I would occupy a few spare moments in writing you a few lines. I am enjoying good health at present and wish the same to yourself and friends. The weather is very warm here. it is about as hot now as you ever get up north although there are days that are more sultry there. We have changed camp since I wrote you last are now moved out a couple of miles farther. We have splendid water now there is a large boiling spring
about 60 rods from the camp which would supply the whole Army with water. We are in the woods now and it is much more pleasant than the old camp. Rosecrans is moving everything rations clothing and all inside the fortifications. There mounting guns in the forts all the time I saw about twenty 60 pounders at the depot the other day which had just come through I would not wonder if the old Rosa anticipated an attack he is going to be prepared for it at any rate. I should judge from all accounts that Hooker was but little better than defeated at
the late Fredricksburg fight. The Army of the Potomac can’t win a victory I don’t believe. I have pretty much made up my mind that we will see our little three years out in the US service. Well it only lacks two months and a half of year that we have been out already. time never slipped away so rapidly to me as it does here a month seems but little longer than a week ought too How are Grandfather & Grandmother and all the folks. I have not had a letter in some time I don’t get as much time to write since I have been driving team as before but I like it better than
doing duty in the ranks it is easier. I have no news to write you. Write to me as often as you can conveniently and I should like to hear from some of the rest of them. a letter does a soldier more good than any other man please excuse the stamp on this letter I can’t find any in camp. Give my best respects to all.
Yours truly
F.A. Pettibone
C.A. Pettibone